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لا توجد منتجات في سلة المشتريات.

Our shipping policy:

We’re currently shipping only in Cairo & Giza.
Our shipping fees include both Delivering & Picking up trips, and it varies from 30:50 L.E/order according to the destination of the customer home from the center of the Great Cairo.

Our special Cases are:

– When you make a new order and you already have a running rental order and select the new order delivery date the same as the old order picking up date
we give you a 50% discount on the new order shipping fees.

– Also, in our loyalty program, you can get free shipping for 3 orders per month if you get the silver badge.

Our shipping dates:
We deliver on the same day you select while making your order on our platform,
we did that between 10 am to 7 pm.
Also, you get a confirmation call from the courier before he’s heading to your location.

– We’re currently not delivering to anywhere except the customer’s home address that has been written in their IDs, and if there any changes
we write it in the delivery endorsement that the customer sign-on it and get it back when picking up happens.


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to add this product(s) again with a new delivery date please click on the link(s) below,or close the box if you don't need this item(s) anymore.
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